The Passage of Sono Nis
Collected Plays by J. Michael Yates
About Sono Nis
The plays for stage, radio, and television of J. Michael Yates have entertained people around the world, including the Middle East and Asia, for forty years. They have been produced or mounted by CBC, BBC, Radio-diffusion France, Radiotelevisione Italia, Romania Râdio Cultural, Nippon Hoso Kyokai, NRK (Oslo), Sveriges Radio (Stockholm), DR (Copenhagen), Westdeutscherrundfunk (Köln), Sarländische Rundfunk (Saarbrücken), Senderfreies (Berlin), Norddeutscher Rundfunk (Hamburg), Süddeutscher Rundfunk, ALMO (Antwerpen), Algemeene Vereeniging Radio Omroep (Amsterdam), mounted by Factory Lab Theatre, Memorial Theatre, Guthrie Theatre, and the Scarborough Players.
Some of the plays have been published in book form, such as Night Freight, The Net, Search for the Tse Tse Fly, The Calling, and Quarks. Others have been published in magazines – Performing Arts in Canada, The Fiddlehead, Mundus Artium, and Harper's. Most of these are one-act plays; they are not only compared to Beckett, Albee, and Pinter, but they are most often mounted or produced with these writers. The Passage of Sono Nis: Collected Plays by J. Michael Yates is his thirty-second book.
Praise for J. Michael Yates
"Beside the plays of Yates, those of Beckett, Pinter, and Albee pale to insignificance." — Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
"Yates is a fiery comet blazing through the Stygian intellectual space of our existence." — Doug Ramsey, world-renowned jazz critic and biographer
"This young writer, unlike most, is fearless in matters of dangerous themes and dialogue." — Arthur Miller, judge, Major Hopwood Award for Drama
"Dangerous minds investigate dangerous places in the mind. Most of your work lives in these places." — Yehuda Amichai